PeeR Mentoring

PeeR Mentoring

When you think of a mentor, you probably imagine someone established in their career with a keen sense of the PR landscape and a respectable list of connections. This past year, thanks to PRSSA, I’ve developed a different kind of mentor/mentee relationship—one with a peer and fellow Regional Ambassador. Lenie and I became fast friends after meeting in Boston for […]

Finding a Mentor and Why You Definitely Need One

Finding a Mentor and Why You Definitely Need One

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a mentor is “a trusted counselor or guide.” However, a mentor is so much more. Through my experiences, both as a mentor and mentee, the relationship you craft with this individual goes beyond that. This person becomes a coach, cheerleader, adviser, confidant and, hopefully, a friend. My mentors have led me to career opportunities, pushed […]

May Twitter Chat Recap — Mentorship

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Mentorship Twitter chat. Specifically, we’d like to thank our co-hosts Brian Price (tweeting from @BrianDPrice) and Vice President of Public Relations Josh Lachica (tweeting from the @PRSSANational account) for guiding the conversation. Please be on the lookout for the next Twitter chat! [View the story “May Twitter Chat Recap — Mentorship” on Storify]

Cheryl Procter-Rogers, APR, Fellow PRSA: A Champion for Diversity and Education

This article is part of a mini-series celebrating the first-ever Black PR History Month, showcasing individuals of color and the influence they’ve had on the public relations industry. Read more here. Cheryl Procter-Rogers, APR, Fellow PRSA, is a leader, advocate, educator and passionate public relations practitioner. As the first black PRSA president of one of the Society’s largest Chapters, PRSA Chicago, […]

A View of Debra A. Miller’s Life Full of Inspiration and Mentorship

This article is part of a mini-series celebrating the first-ever Black PR History Month, showcasing individuals of color and the influence they’ve had on the public relations industry. Read more here. As the 2006 Gold Anvil Winner and PRSA 1997 National President, Debra A. Miller, Ed.D, APR, Fellow PRSA, is a public relations leader, strategist, counselor, educator and advocate. As the […]

How to Get a Mentor

Everyone needs a mentor. There is no doubt that mentorship has positive lift for young and old, job seekers and career ladder climbers, students and teachers, managers and individuals. I have often argued that not only are mentors valuable, but a variety of mentors is perhaps the best path to objective, savvy and smart advice for both the good and […]

Professionals and Students Make Champions for PRSSA a Two-Way Street of Mutual Career Benefits

One of my earliest career mentors (who also influenced my career-long involvement in Champions for PRSSA), David Bicofsky, taught me early on that effective mentoring is a two-way relationship between mentor and protégé. Thirteen years ago, we even co-wrote a Public Relations Tactics article on the subject, “Two Sides of the Mentoring Process,” wherein we each penned our perspectives on […]

Mentorship: Making a Difference by Modeling Young Minds

Having a mentor in the public relations industry is essential to success. Having a mentor, and being a mentor, can also be one of the most rewarding professional and personal experiences. Mentorship presents an opportunity for personal growth and professional development, but how are these relationships formed? Where can you find mentorship opportunities? What should a mentor embody? What value […]