The Comeback Chapter: How Engagement and Strategy Revitalized Appalachian State University’s PRSSA Chapter

The Comeback Chapter: How Engagement and Strategy Revitalized Appalachian State University’s PRSSA Chapter

Our PRSSA Chapter at Appalachian State University has experienced remarkable growth after nearly falling apart two years ago. By focusing on key strategies and engaging activities, we were able to revive the Chapter while doubling our membership. As the president, one of the first steps in our Chapter’s turnaround was creating a sense of community. We rescheduled our meetings from […]

Managing Chaos: Why Every College Student and New PR Grad Should Work in an Emergency Room

Managing Chaos: Why Every College Student and New PR Grad Should Work in an Emergency Room

Recent college grads and current students seeking to develop a wide variety of skills often think they have to apply to Fortune 100 companies to gain credible experience. Yet, most often overlook amazing small companies, organizations and institutions right in their backyard. Contrary to the career tracks of most PR & Communications professionals, my career began in local hospital administration. […]