Do not work in PR, be PR! 

Do not work in PR, be PR! 

René Descartes, one of the most important philosophers of modern thought, is famous for his phrase “I think, therefore I am”, but it is not a matter of temporal order, that first we do one thing and then another, but that the philosopher could replace “then” for “implies”, so, the correct formulation would be “we think and that implies that […]

From the Heart of Cairo to Sunny California: An Egyptian Student’s Journey into American PR at California State University Fullerton.

From the Heart of Cairo to Sunny California: An Egyptian Student’s Journey into American PR at California State University Fullerton.

In the 21st century, we are witnessing the collapse of global communication barriers. One such example of this is an international student from Egypt, endeavoring to comprehend the vast and complex media landscape of the U.S. and its nuanced public relations industry. Our protagonist in this tale is Dina Saad, a resolute and driven woman from Mansoura, Egypt. She starts […]

All About the PSA

All About the PSA

Public service announcement: everyone has heard one. The famous title “PSA” is known throughout the world and has been a tool used to share important information for years. Public service announcements can be used for any type of topic. They range from important issues concerning the climate to silly cartoons telling children not to do something. Overall, public service announcements […]

5 W’s and 1 H of Informational Interviews

5 W’s and 1 H of Informational Interviews

Informational interviews are your ticket into the big leagues. And by big leagues, I mean getting a job. So, let’s get into the 5 W’s and 1 H of informational interviews. WHO. Who should you do an informational interview with? A professional currently in the position that you want in the future. A professional currently at the organization you hope […]

SEO for Future Entrepreneurs

SEO for Future Entrepreneurs

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a strategic way to increase web traffic to your site.  Google’s algorithm is known to consider the content of your website and external hyperlinks when determining your site’s positioning. Content in the first position of Google Search results receives over 25% of clicks and 3.8x the number of backlinks than the results in positions […]