Intro to Digital Communications

As the responsibilities of public relations practitioners become more diverse, it can be helpful for new professionals to learn untraditional tasks. Pitching media and writing will always be a part of public relations; but as an entry-level professional, I’ve also learned other activities that can benefit clients in more ways than one. Buff up your resume and portfolio by learning […]

Stressed In Show

Multi-tasking is often an expectation for the average university student. Many of us are full-time students, part-time workers, members of various organizations or athletic teams and try our best to have a social life on top of that. Throw in an internship or graduate school to think about and “in over your head” becomes more than just a cliché expression, […]

Progressions–PRSSA’s Redesigned Blog

PRSSA is proud to announce that what was previously known as the Blog is now to be known as Progressions. Progressions will serve as an enhanced communication vehicle for PRSSA members, Advisers, students and professionals. Progressions will make content more accessible to members by growing the platform as a place to give and receive tips and lessons from all aspects […]

PRSSA One Year Later: Renee Legendre, RMD Advertising

Editors Note: To honor our graduating PRSSA members, this “One Year Later” series will follow where our past members are one year after their graduation. Follow our “One Year Later” posts to inspire your members and learn from the success of past members. Current Company: RMD Advertising Current Position: Media Specialist Former PRSSA Chapter: Ohio Northern University Former PRSSA Involvement: […]

PRSSA One Year Later: Rachel Sprung, HubSpot

Editors Note: To honor our graduating PRSSA members, this “One Year Later” series will follow where our past members are one year after their graduation. Follow our “One Year Later” posts to inspire your members and learn from the success of past members. Current Company: HubSpot Position: Brand & Buzz Coordinator Former PRSSA Chapter: Boston University Former PRSSA Involvement: 2010-2011 […]