Close your eyes and think of the best supervisor you have ever had — did they take time to explain a project to you? Did they listen to you? Did they encourage you? Or were they critical, defensive and quick to place blame on others? The difference between these two people — one is a leader and one is a boss.
The difference can make or break a team, project or plan. Take a look at the qualities of a boss and a leader below.
A boss is someone who:
This personality can cause tension and bring negative energy in the workplace. This person can also cause good employees to become uninterested in their job. Simply, don’t be this person.
A leader is someone who:
A leader can bring good energy, positivity and encouragement to a workplace, which can enlighten and inspire others. Next time you are leading a team, focus on being a leader!
What qualities do you believe makes a strong leader? Comment below and share your ideas!
Natalie Gloady is a graduate student at Waynesburg University and the PRSSA 2017–2018 Publications Editor in Chief. Follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.