Learning How to C.A.R.E. [National Assembly Recap]

IMG_7933Session: Welcome Reception

Presenter: Karith Foster, Founder, The Foster Russell Family Foundation, and CEO, Stereotyped 101, Inc. LLC

Recap: Diversity can be a tough topic to talk about, but Stereotyped 101, Inc. LLC CEO Karith Foster doesn’t think it should be boring or painful. She coined the term “inversity,” which is a modern twist on diversity and inclusion where the focus is on inclusion and introspection.

Part of practicing inversity is learning how to C.A.R.E.:

  • Conscious empathy is putting yourself in someone else’s shoes in order to change the dialogue and try to understand where the other person is coming from.
  • Active listening is hearing what people are saying. Don’t listen to respond, listen to understand.
  • Responsible reactions are learning how to respond to opposing ideas. Ask for clarification by responding with, “Why do you say that? What makes you feel this way?”
  • Environmental awareness is having an acute awareness of who you are purposely surrounding yourself with and who you are purposely avoiding. How does this affect your life and lead you toward the future?

Foster also stressed the importance of knowing who you are and being unafraid to be authentic. In the current political climate, she reinforced the importance of being open to opposing ideas and trying to understand one another. The public relations industry is one that can truly make an impact, and everyone has the power to make a difference.


  • We need to get uncomfortable and talk about the hard stuff with those who have opposing views.
  • Opportunities are fleeting and when they pop up, it’s crucial that we say, “Yes!” It is never a mistake unless we didn’t learn something.
  • You are enough and have a purpose. We are all different and we need to embrace our awesomeness; we are all in a position to be a power player.
  • Life is too short to be doing something that doesn’t make you happy. If you are miserable in your “dream job,” it’s not right for you, and that is OK.
  • Know your purpose, yourself and when to say thank you. Be authentic — it’s the only way to go through life.

Latisha Ellison is YouToo Social Media Conference chairperson for the PRSSA Chapter at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio. She is a junior public relations major and a participant in the PRSSA 2017 Bateman Case Study Competition. Follow her @latishaae or on her LinkedIn account linkedin.com/in/latishaellison/.

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