5 Ways to Advance Your Career This Year

Photo courtesy of unsplash.com.
Photo courtesy of unsplash.com.

It’s hard to believe that the end of January is right around the corner! How have your New Year’s resolutions been going? Most people have the same resolutions: eat healthier, workout more, save money, etc. But what about your professional resolutions and goals? How are you going to further your career this year?

Below are a few ways to get started:

Follow CEOs and industry leaders.

Social media gives us the ability to connect with people all over the world. CEOs and industry influencers have knowledge, experience and advice available for us to tap into. Follow the CEOs of your dream companies and listen to what they have to say. If you’re already following industry leaders, set out to add even more to your list this year.

Practice your writing.

We all know writing is an absolute must-have skill in this industry. Take the initiative and set a goal to get a piece of your writing published. Submit a topic to Progressions or FORUM, reach out to your own PRSSA Chapter and ask to write about a meeting or contact your campus blog. Not only is this great practice, but it also will look impressive on your resume.

Attend a local networking event.

Networking can be scary. But it also can be an invaluable experience. Push yourself outside your comfort zone, grab a few of your PRSSA friends and go to one of your local networking events. I used to be nervous about attending these types of events but once I finally did, I learned that it really wasn’t that scary. I’ve met people at mixers and PRSA events that I have ended up running into again at other events.

Jump in on a Twitter chat.

Another great way to network is by attending Twitter chats. These virtual events allow you to connect with people online and have your voice heard. There are SO many chats you can get involved in. Start by participating in the next PRSSA Twitter chat for Career Development Month on Thursday, Jan. 26, at 9 p.m. EST.

Get your reading on.

One of the easiest ways to improve your writing is to read more. Set a goal of how many books you want to read this year. You can read anything that interests you. I have been reading “Welcome to the Real World” by Lauren Berger. This book has lots of advice for students getting close to graduation.

For online reading, I recently downloaded an app called Pocket that allows you to save articles to read later. The app is really helpful for the times I’m scrolling through my Twitter or LinkedIn on the run between classes and I find an interesting article that I want to read but don’t have the time for right then.

What are you doing this year to advance your career? Tweet it to me @AudreyKlackner!

Audrey Klackner is a senior at the University of Washington pursuing a bachelor’s degree in communications. She’s currently the vice president of public relations for the UW PRSSA Chapter. In her free time she enjoys exploring Seattle, interning and watching “The Bachelor.”


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