Why You Should Attend a PRSSA 2017 Regional Conference

Regional Conferences are one of the greatest benefits offered by PRSSA. The experience for hosting an event of that caliber is great for the Chapter, but the perks of attending are even better. Attending Regional Conferences provides unique professional development and networking opportunities.


Similar to the PRSSA National Conference, Regional Conferences provide unique insight to the industry. Guest speakers and workshops give students a sneak peek into the depths of public relations and often provide opportunities for students to apply their skills. Choosing a conference with a focus in your area of interest will help you round out your knowledge and fill in the gaps in topics your classes don’t cover. Many of the Regional Conferences host resume critiques and provide additional professional feedback to students on the brink of entering the workforce.

Having a broad set of skills is crucial, but what’s special about Regional Conferences is the opportunity to connect with local professionals and peers. These intimate settings will give you more of an opportunity to show off your skills and get some one-on-one time with industry all-stars. If these professional networking events weren’t enough, the chances you have to meet other peers in your region allow you to develop close relationships with people who will soon be your colleagues. Get to know students from other Chapters. It’s a small world, after all.

Lastly — but just as importantly — they are fun. Take advantage of your time and get to know the city. Check out the sights and other activities. This is a chance to determine if this is a place you might be interested in working. The intimate setting provides more chances to get to know to your Chapter members and other attendees.

Below are some tips for choosing the best conference for you.

  1. Choose a location that interests you, choose the closest conference, or choose another city if it’s close to an area you are interested in moving to.
  2. Find the most applicable theme. If you’re interested in sports public relations, attend a conference that brings more speakers in with that area of expertise. Along the same lines, if you’re interested in working at a specific company, and they happen to be a speaker from that company at a conference, try to attend and get to know them.
  3. Can’t make up your mind on where to go? Consider attending more than one. PRSSA has no restrictions on which conference or how many you attend.

Check out pages six and seven in the latest issue of FORUM for a look at where the PRSSA 2017 Regional Conferences are being held. Don’t miss out on your chance to attend!

Nicole Price is a fifth year at the University of Cincinnati studying communication and electronic media with a focus in public relations. She’s the vice president of Regional Conferences for PRSSA National, and has mild obsessions with Madam Secretary and Preston Bailey.

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