How to Survive Finals Week

It’s finally December and we’ve survived a semester full of meetings, papers, projects, fundraising, recruiting, planning, working part-time and dealing with everyday responsibilities. It seems like 2016 has flown by, but these next two weeks always seem to drag on. So as we stress, cry and wish it was winter break already, here are a few ways to survive finals week:

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There are a million things that need to be accomplished before finals week kicks into full gear. It’s important to be aware of which assignments are due earlier in the week and to tackle the most important tasks first. If you are having trouble focusing, switch to an assignment that is a little easier and go back to what you were struggling with later.

Turn it off.

Whatever is going on in your Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook and email can wait until you take a break. Focus on the assignment at hand. The more focused you stay, the sooner you’ll finish and be able to log back onto your social media.

Do something fun or relaxing.

All work and no play makes for a stressed out college student. Once you cross one task off your list, give yourself 20 minutes to relax before tackling another project or study session. Try to do something that doesn’t involve your phone or laptop. Take a walk, work out, a nap or go outside. Give your brain a break — you’ve been working so hard, you deserve it!

Eat healthy.

This is hard, but important. Junk food might be comfort food, but it also makes you tired. Healthy snacks give you more energy and will make you more focused.

Don’t forget to sleep.

Stay away from all-nighters or sleeping for only four hours.  During stressful times our bodies need sleep. Try starting your day earlier and go to bed at a reasonable time. When you have a decent night’s sleep you think clearer and make better decisions.

Be confident.

You’ve done everything you can to prepare for the upcoming week. Trust your  preparation. Take a deep breath and think positively. You’ll do great!

Caroline Silva is a senior at the University of Georgia. She is currently part of recruitment committee for her PRSSA Chapter. Silva grew up in Brazil and hopes to work in healthcare public relations.

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