Applying for Chapter awards should never be an intimidating process. Since chartered in 2010, the Utah Valley University (UVU) PRSSA Chapter has developed a formula for Chapter success, which has led UVU PRSSA to earn three Star Chapter Awards for the last three years running.
This guide can help your Chapter earn its next — or first — Star Chapter Award.
1. Research
Encourage your executive board to review the requirements for the Star Chapter Award. Remember that no matter how old or how small your Chapter is, every Chapter can qualify by implementing at least eight out of 10 requirements.
Find out what these requirements are and how your Chapter has implemented them in the past. If all of your executive board members are new, you might consider reaching out to previous Chapter leaders, reviewing your Chapter C.H.A.R.T guide or visiting with your Faculty Adviser.
2. Plan to Achieve Your Goal (Earn Star Chapter Award)
As you plan your Chapter’s goals and activities, consider including the following recommendations:
3. Execute, Evaluate and Apply
Whether you are attending this year’s National Conference or seeking to strengthen your relationship with your sponsor PRSA Chapter, always remember to have fun, be professional and ethical while you execute your plan.
The application requires your Chapter to provide specific details on how each of the requirements was achieved. Make sure your historian keeps accurate records of your Chapter’s work.
Which qualifications are you going to implement to become a Star Chapter next year?
Henry Cervera is a senior majoring in public relations at Utah Valley University and a former Chapter officer of UVU PRSSA. Upon graduation, he aspires to build a career in multicultural public relations. Follow him @henrymvd.