With the end of National Conference comes the beginning of Regional Activity planning season!
Regional Activities are smaller than National Conference but include professional development sessions, career fairs, case studies and networking opportunities. Each event focuses on a different theme of public relations and is located in different area of the United States. If you were unable to attend National Conference or wish you were still there, these conferences provide a chance to learn about public relations while meeting PRSSA students around your region.
Save the date! The following 11 Regional Activities will take place in Spring 2011.
Region 1
California State University, Fullerton (Feb. 25–26) — “So You Want to Be a PR Pro” will focus on tools needed to succeed in the public relations career themed to three of California’s main regions: mountains, deserts and oceans.
Utah State University (March 24–25) — “2011 Mountain West Regional Public Relations Conference” unites and celebrates the differences in our field, our students, our presenters and our attendees.
Region 2
University of Nebraska at Omaha (April 8–10) — “The Power of PR Connections” will incorporate the power of making connections and host networking sessions designed to offer concrete advice in specific areas.
Region 4
DePaul University (Feb. 10–11) — “Transforming Traditional Into Digital: The New Ways of PR” encourages you to explore the significance behind the shift to the digital age of convenience and immediacy.
Indiana University (April 8–9) — “Get Social: A Blueprint for Social Media Strategy” is designed to help guide you in the emerging world of social media.
Region 5
Lee University (Feb. 11) — “Find Your Fit: Applying Your Strengths to the PR World” will work in conjunction with the Gallup Clifton Strengths Finder Assessment and help attendees figure out their strengths and passions to set themselves apart in the public relations world.
Region 6
Ohio State University (April 16) — “PRCapital: Gateway to a Career as a Young Professional” is intended to provide students with a look into life after college, create a preparation environment for students to feel comfortable with their expectations for a career as a young professional and answer all their questions about life as a young professional.
Region 7
East Carolina University (Feb. 25–26) — “A PR Life Is the Life for Me: A Guide to Becoming Successful in the Professional World” will include speakers from entertainment, sports, agency and non-profit backgrounds, a recent graduate panel and speed networking with employers.
Region 8
Georgia Southern University (March 4–5) — “PR Where U R” will center around the idea of being able to take public relations with you wherever you go with no boundaries as it offers cutting-edge information about the latest digital media platforms and how future public relations practitioners can apply them to increase visibility, engagement and branding.
Region 9
Boston University (Feb. 26) — “PR Advanced: Be the Change” will offer practical breakout sessions featuring speakers from many fields of public relations, a diversity competition where participants will design out-of-the-box campaigns for non-profits, a career panel and a career fair.
Region 10
Pennsylvania State University (March 25–26) — “The Reality of PR: A Survivor’s Guide to the Public Relations World” will include a campus tour, public relations Jeopardy, an etiquette luncheon and networking opportunities with professionals and other PRSSA students.
What are you looking to see at the Regional Activity closest to you?
This is a guest post from Vice President of Regional Activities, Rachel Sprung.