Ignorance is NOT Bliss in Public Relations

Ignorance is NOT Bliss in Public Relations

“She was such an impressive student,” says Alexis Hooley. Very impressive, that is, until she entered the workforce and “forged famous signatures for a PR campaign.” Surely, she had known better.  Hooley is a public relations practitioner, attorney and graduate from Brigham Young University. Hooley is engrossed in legal practice and PR instruction as adjunct faculty at BYU. Hooley’s experience […]

How Brands Can Reach Gen Z Every Holiday

How Brands Can Reach Gen Z Every Holiday

The holiday season presents a great opportunity, albeit a competitive one, for communications professionals and the brands they represent to switch up their promotional strategies and explore some different social media tactics. As members of Gen Z, we represent the potential spending power of approximately $323 billion, but you need to know where to find us and what we’re looking […]

What’s In My Tote: PR Edition

What’s In My Tote: PR Edition

Professionals in the public relations industry are masters in subjects that range from crafting the perfect pitch to producing enticing campaigns. PR experts are fluent in social media and can practically write a press release with their eyes closed. Inspired by @prgirlmanifesto’s “PR Pro Starter Kit” on Instagram, below is a list of valuable tools that many fellow professionals keep in their […]

The Perfect Product Launch (Taylor’s Version)

The Perfect Product Launch (Taylor’s Version)

Unless your cell phone has been dead since November 12, you’ve probably heard something about Taylor Swift’s release of Red (Taylor’s Version). As a public relations professional, having your client drum up as much attention as this album release would be an absolute dream come true. I can only imagine what Swift’s PR team was thinking when they saw that […]

“Hope This Blog Finds You Well” — Informal vs. Formal Language

“Hope This Blog Finds You Well” — Informal vs. Formal Language

As the old saying goes, the pen is mightier than the sword. When it comes to writing, the possibilities are endless. A blank piece of paper is your canvas, and the pen is your paintbrush. A true work of art will powerfully emphasize your message’s meaning and impact on the target. However, when crafting a work of, it’s important to read the room before you write […]