District Conferences.
They’re one of the best ways to help your Chapter with professional development, recruitment and fundraising. Your Chapter will also create meaningful connections and memories along the way. Conferences are also at the forefront of PRSSA brand exposure and overall advancement of the Society.
On top of being incredibly rewarding and exciting, there are a lot of details you have to consider to successfully host a District Conference, the first of which is completing the District Conference Hosting Application.
Here are some helpful tips to take into consideration if you’re thinking about applying to host a Conference or getting ready to fill out the application:
The application is an agreement.
If you fill out a District Conference Hosting Application, you are agreeing to host a Conference in spring 2022 if selected. Make sure you talk with your Chapter, Faculty Adviser and school to make sure everyone is on board prior to submitting the application.
Decide who’s going to help with the planning process.
Having a strong, dedicated committee is one of the most crucial aspects of planning a District Conference. Although every Conference is different and some committees will work better with a different structure, it’s a good idea to plan for the team to have an overall coordinator, a programming director, a sponsorship director, a promotions director, a hospitality director and a community relations director.
Start dreaming about what your Conference could be like.
Would you want it to be focused on healthcare or tourism PR? Would you want to feature an industry panel or networking socials? Channel past PRSSA events you’ve loved, focus on what makes your Chapter unique and think about what other students would love to experience when you are brainstorming. You don’t have to have all the details planned out for the application, but it will help you in the long run if you start thinking about all of it now.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
It’s normal to have questions. The District Conference Hosting Application process might seem stressful, but you aren’t in this alone. Please reach out to the vice president of events and fundraising if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
Most of all, don’t forget to enjoy it.
Planning a District Conference can be stressful, but it’s also one of the most enriching and rewarding professional development experiences you’ll have during your college career. Be sure to take a step back every now and enjoy this process.
The District Conference Hosting Application went live on August 16, and it is due at 2 p.m. EST on Sept. 3. If you’re thinking about applying, have questions about the process or just want to learn more for next year, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the vice president of events and fundraising at vpevents@prsa.org.
Erin Lewis is a senior at the University of Florida studying public relations, minoring in event management and earning a certificate in international communication. She currently serves as the national vice president of events and fundraising for PRSSA National Committee, assistant managing director for Alpha PRoductions and events director for Her Campus UFL. Connect with her on LinkedIn.