The PR Professional’s Guide to Work Life Balance

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Apply for jobs and internships, network, start a blog, read trade publications, rework your resume, update your LinkedIn—is anyone else exhausted?

As aspiring PR professionals, we are constantly on the go and competitive by nature. Between writing your next content calendar and copy editing that press release, it can sometimes feel like we never catch a break. What if I told you that it’s okay to close your laptop, sign off of social media and escape for a little bit? It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, especially while everyone around you is working extremely hard but your mental wellbeing is just as important as your professional aspirations.

Overworking yourself will lead to a loss of passion and losing that passion is the number one way to crush creativity. Here are a few things you can do to take a step back and keep yourself feeling sane.

Work on a personal goal.

What’s one thing you’ve been dying to do? Whether you want to learn how to ski or make pasta from scratch, do it now. Working on something for yourself is not only rewarding but it’s a way to take a break from working and still feel accomplished.

Go through a social media detox.

In today’s digital world, social media is a key component to the work of a PR professional. If your internship or job has you doing a lot of work on these platforms, you can become burnt out and fast. Keeping up your own profiles and that of a brand is a lot to handle. Challenge yourself and take a day to log out. Delete your mobile applications or lock them away, because either way, your followers will still be there when you return.

 Step away from your email.

Is anyone else guilty of checking their emails when they are out with friends? I know I am. This can become an exhausting cycle. Make it a priority to stay away from those messages when you don’t need to be looking, especially if you are spending time with friends or family. If it’s an emergency, the office will call.

Pro tip: turn off your push notifications to make this easier.

 Plan something with your coworkers.

Balancing work doesn’t mean completely ignoring the people in your office. In fact, your coworkers can become some of your best friends. If you don’t already have a committee dedicated to planning fun events, organize something yourself! This can be anything from a happy hour to ziplining. Bonding outside the office will create stronger teamwork in the office.

We are all involved in PRSSA for a similar reason, PR career development, but that doesn’t mean it needs to be your life. It’s okay to enjoy your free time and step away. It’ll keep you happier and your work quality better.

Brigitte Meisse is the president of the Ohio University PRSSA Chapter. Follow her on Twitter @meisse2spicy.



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