All PRSSA Chapters have benefits: professional connections, personal relationships, education enhancement and ways to jumpstart your career. In addition each Chapter allows for its dues-paying members to become leaders. As someone who has been on their Chapter’s executive board for the majority of their college career, I can guarantee you that there are plenty of reasons to consider running for your Chapter’s executive board. Here are my top four reasons why you should submit an application this spring.
An executive board position allows you to become a leader in your Chapter. Employers are always looking for candidates who have leadership experience, so why not start now? By becoming a leader in an organization you are already passionate about, you are making yourself more marketable for your next job or internship.
If you are a general body member who loves knowing what is going on in your Chapter or volunteers to work every Chapter event, then holding an executive board position is definitely something you should consider. Executive boards often make decisions that affect the entire Chapter, as well as determine what direction the Chapter will go professionally. If you are interested in helping your Chapter grow, then you should run for a position.
Having a leadership position provides many opportunities to create pieces for your portfolio, as well as add major projects and skills to your résumé. Taking an executive board position shows that you are willing to put in the extra work, but also that you take pride in the organization that you work for.
Being an executive board member has a lot of perks, but one of the most rewarding is the relationships you make with other leaders in your Chapter. I can honestly say that I have met some of my greatest friends through my Chapter’s executive board. You learn to work and play with these people, and sharing successes with them is so gratifying.
Overall, I think everyone should have the experience of being on their Chapter’s executive board. The way it prepares you for internships and life post-graduation is fulfilling, as well as provides you with opportunities to enhance your education, develop your network and launch your career.
Natalie Gloady is a senior public relations and sports information major at Waynesburg University. She serves as the public relations director for the Waynesburg University PRSSA Chapter, as well as an account executive for the Nationally Affiliated Student-run Firm Red Brick Communications. Follow Natalie on Twitter, or connect with her on LinkedIn.