Hold a Diversity Meeting
Everyone is different not only on the outside, but also on the inside. Coming together as a Chapter and discussing ways to encourage and express diversity allows each member to feel like they are represented.
A great way to let everyone express their diversity is by asking each member to define what diversity means to them. Once everyone has had their time to speak, come together as a group and create a definition that blends each member’s idea. Since diversity is fluid and ever-changing, it’s important for everyone to understand that their definition of diversity can change and grow as they meet new people and learn about themselves.
Bring in a Guest Speaker
The best way to look at something from a fresh perspective is to bring in someone new. A guest speaker can share their opinions and help foster a learning environment that presents members with different ideas.
Here are some things you can suggest to your guest speaker to talk about in the meeting:
Participate in the PRSSA Twitter Chat
During Diversity Month, PRSSA National will host a Twitter chat on Aug. 17. This chat will be co-hosted by PRSSA Vice President of Advocacy Andrew Cook.
Chapters can meet as a group and discuss the tweets while contributing to the conversation. No matter where a Chapter is located, they will be able to interact with members from across the country during the Twitter chats.
Apply for the Dr. F.H. Teahan Chapter Awards Program
Each year PRSSA gives out several Teahan Chapter awards, including one for Chapter Diversity. The award is presented to the Chapter that best represents their university’s demographic composition.
Most importantly, it’s vital that everyone realizes Diversity Month may only last for 31 days, but diversity should always be present in our everyday lives.
Andrew Young is a sophomore at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) where he serves as the public relations director of the MTSU PRSSA Chapter. He is also a member of the Advocacy Subcommittee for PRSSA National.