The Power of a Network

As communications professionals, we’re sure you’ve heard it before — your network is everything. So, what is a network? By definition, a network is “an interconnected or interrelated chain, group or system.” You likely already know that your network is comprised of the professionals you meet throughout your life at conferences, trainings, happy hours, etc. What you might not have […]

How to Get a Mentor

Everyone needs a mentor. There is no doubt that mentorship has positive lift for young and old, job seekers and career ladder climbers, students and teachers, managers and individuals. I have often argued that not only are mentors valuable, but a variety of mentors is perhaps the best path to objective, savvy and smart advice for both the good and […]

Advice for PR Students Seeking Their First Job

There was a time when public relations positions used to be available for almost anybody who wanted them. Few people were sure exactly what public relations was and standards weren’t high. Today, the situation is far different. As public relations has become more enticing to liberal arts students, lawyers, journalists and others, positions have become more competitive Today when an […]

Taking a Tour of Indy [National Conference Recap]

Event: Career Tours Organization: Visit Indy Recap: Career Tours are one of my most anticipated events of the PRSSA National Conference, and today was no exception. I had the opportunity to spend a couple hours today networking with Visit Indy Communications Coordinators Morgan Snyder and Lisa Wallace. Visit Indy is a tourism-based public relations organization. Its goal is to bring […]

National Conference Twitter Chat Recap: Countdown to Conference

Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2016 National Conference Twitter chat. Specifically, we’d like to thank our co-hosts, National Conference Coordinator Hannah Riffle (tweeting from @h_riff) and Vice President of Public Relations Josh Lachica (tweeting from the @PRSSANational account) for guiding the conversation. Please be on the lookout for next month’s Twitter chat! [View the story “National Conference Twitter Chat […]

7 Steps to Help Build Your Network

Networking plays an important role in public relations. Being good at networking can help land you your next job, gather information about an industry or introduce you to professionals who can offer advice about advancing your career. Here are seven ways to help improve your networking skills. 1. Attend as many events as you can. By attending national, regional and […]